Thursday 27 March 2014

Hello again

Greetings from Krabi.  

We’re still waiting for the internet to be connected at the house so instead of waiting for that to update the blog, I’ve done an update and saved it on a usb and here I am at the internet café in AoNang uploading it.  It’s very frustrating but the area is new so they actually have to run the cable from the main road to the houses up here and, well, this is Thailand and they do things a little different and slower here than in Aus.

Our container with all our household stuff arrived in Bangkok on 3 March and was cleared from the port on 6 March.  We had everything delivered here on 12 March.  We used Crown Relocations and they were fantastic.  They unpacked the container at the wharf and loaded all the things on a truck and delivered it to us here.  Anything loose, they packed into boxes for the journey.   They also brought 10 guys along with them and they brought everything inside for us and stacked it all neatly in the lounge.  

all our household possessions
We only had one soup bowl broken and the grandfather clock had a few bits of paint off but that’s it.  Nothing else got damaged and nothing got lost.  We were amazed.  Would highly recommend Crown if you ever move overseas.

We’ve been steadily unpacking everything but there is still a lot of stuff in boxes.  We don’t have any shelves in the pantry, linen cupboard or our walk in wardrobe at the moment.  Our builder is busy onsite of another project he’s working on – a 6 story hotel in AoNang – so he can’t spare the labour to do the shelves.  Pictures below of some of the rooms that have been unpacked and furniture in them.




guest bedroom 1

guest bathroom 1
Bedroom 1 is set up as we have our first guest arriving on 9 March – Gary’s sister Kim.  Looking forward to our first visitors.  We had a friend from work who was made redundant so he took his redundancy and decided on a holiday.  He came to Thailand and visited us here in Krabi.  For all the people who know – it was Rusty.  Loved catching up with a familiar face.

sipping Pina Colada's at the pool bar at Rusty's hotel

new friends
Bedroom 2 is the storage room at the moment and so is the hall way.

bedroom 2

We had a carport put on the side of the house at the back so the car is protected.

We’ve still got heaps to do around the place but we’ll get there eventually.  Gary has been putting up lots of things such as towel rails, soap dishes etc.  He’s even put up some of my pictures so our place looks like our home.    The block was cleared a little while ago so we can start doing stuff outside.  Anything that needs doing outside we’ve been doing late in the afternoon when it’s a little cooler.

Our neighbour, Put (not sure how you spell his name) has 2 dogs which like to visit us all the time.  Sometimes I think they think they live here.  We’re always having to shoo them out of the house.   They have Thai names which we haven’t quite got the hang of so we’ve given them names we can remember.  Happy is the first one because she always seems to be smiling and is always wagging her tail and the other one we’ve called Jane Dog (as in Jane Doe) because we don’t know her name.  They are both very friendly and extremely good guard dogs.


Jane Dog

Well, that’s all the news for now. Hope everyone in the land down under is well.  

Chat soon
Lou & Gaz

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