Sunday 1 June 2014

Martial law and other MORE important things.

วิธีการเป็นคุณในวันนี้ - Kun sa bai dee mai - how are you today?

No doubt everyone has heard that martial law has been declared in Thailand.  Most of the problems and protests have been in Bangkok.  We didn't even know about it until someone text and asked if we were ok.  We've found out all our information about it from the online news as well.  The army did come to Krabi to show their presence but I think it was a "muscle flexing" exercise.  We saw them once and then they left.  I took a photo at the road block they'd set up but did it sneakily so they wouldn't know - just in case.

Anyway, that's all the news on the coup.

In other news, we're finally getting the pool finished.  They started beginning of this week and are making good progress so far.  Been a few rainy times which is hindering a little, but it is the rainy season here so it's to be expected.  Some photos of the pool progress.

the mountain of dirt left over from digging out the pool - next person to visit, bring a shovel :)

We've also started working on our gardens.  There is a lot of work to be done in the yard so we've been doing bits at a time.  The heat here makes it impractical to work during the day so we've had to do most of the gardening late in the afternoon.  We've done a little garden at the back but because there is still a lot of work in this area to be done, we're limiting what we're doing there in case all our hard work gets damaged.

 We're in the process of doing the garden and lawn at the front of the house at the moment.  We're going to have a hibiscus garden here with lawn on the rest of the area. 

The garden below is outside the middle bedroom.  We'll put a small table and a couple of chairs there so whoever is in that room can sit outside if they want.

We also had an unwelcome visitor - well 2 actually but I didn't get a photo of the second one.  It's quite common here at the moment.  The rain is chasing them out.  It just means we're being extra careful outside and in the garden.  The photos were taken safely from behind the window and the curtain.  No way in the world I was going outside while it was there :-)

We've been getting at least one thunderstorm per day.  It's lovely to sit out the back and watch them come over.  Sometimes the sky isn't really that black.  The bottom photo is Naka mountain - with a thunderstorm rolling over it.

I've also started language school.  Yep, I'm learning to speak Thai.  Its a hard language to learn but hopefully my brain still functions a little to get me through.  Some words can mean up to 5 things depending on the tone you use.  I found out the hard way when my teacher was telling me the word for come was "ma" - said flat, but with a rising tone it means dog and a high tone it means horse.  So, of course instead of saying come, I said dog.  Kept her amused.  I'm sure I'll get a lot of that when I try and speak to locals.  I'm eventually suppose to be able to read and write Thai as well, but if you can see the Thai writing at the top of this blog, it's complicated.

Well, that's all for now.  I'll send more pictures soon.
have a great day

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