Saturday 24 November 2012

Latest news from Krabi

Hi - I'm back.  I arrived back at 8am on Saturday morning and after spending 8 glorious days in Krabi, I didn't want to come home. 

Firstly though, just thought I'd share the gorgeous sunrise & sunsets from Krabi. 

Sunrise from our apartment balcony

Sunset on Ao Nang beach

The sunrise is out the back of the apartment we're staying in and the sunset is from Ao Nang beach.  The beach is lined with tourist at this time of the day taking lots of photos of the gorgeous sky.  It's like this almost every day. I think I could get use to this.



We got our first draft of our house plans on Friday (16/11) and made heaps of changes to them - we got the second draft on Wednesday afternoon (21/11) and made a few minor changes and Gary saw the final draft on Friday (23/11).  Now we just have to wait for the architect, Jep, to do all the plans - site plans, electrical plans etc.  We've been given a tentative start date of January 2013 but that will probably depend on how long it takes to do the final plans and get them signed off.  Also they don't want to leave it too late because they will run into wet season.  I found this bit of information on the web about the seasons in Thailand - "Weather in Krabi is typically that of the tropical monsoon, providing the province with just two seasons, the hot season from January to April, and the rainy season from May to December. In the rainy season at the extremes you can get 2 weeks of beautiful sunshine with no rain, or up to 2 or 3 days of continuous rain", so we'd like the house to be well underway before May.  Things don't move fast in Thailand so we're not expecting them finalised much before Christmas.  The plans don't need council approval in Thailand - they don't have local council but they do have to be certified by an engineer, electrician and plumber before they can be used to build the house so I think that's Thailand's version of council approval.  I'll put a picture of the plans up when they're finalised.  Gary has met a few Expats there in Krabi and they have a saying - This Is Thailand (TIT's).... a reference to the laid back nature of the people - he said it to me a couple of times while I was over there and I wasn't sure if he was referring to the slowness of things or having a perv on the beach.

I got some photos of our block of dirt while I was there - here's a selection to give you an idea of how the block looks.  It's flat at the top (approx 32 metres across the front), then has quite a steep slope and then it's flat at the bottom.  The house is going to be on the top flat part and we're probably going to terrace the slope.  Haven't decided yet what to do with the flat part at the bottom.

This is the name of our street - good luck pronouncing it - we're still trying.
Soi Klong Thray Kaw
While we were there, Gary also made friends with our neighbours.  They were really nice and I don't think they'll be noisy (or nosy) or any problems. 

our neighbour

They do seem to have alot of friends visiting though and they take them out and show them the area but I don't think we'll have any issues J.

I took the photo above while standing in the middle of our block.  The company that does the treks is called "Nosy Parkers" and they live next door to our next door neighbour.  They take the tourists on treks through the national park and use the trail a the bottom of our block to start and end the trek. 
We also managed to spy these guys on the road nearby - just in case you wondered how elephants got around when the can't be bothered walking J
the Elephant Express
We've rented a 1 bedroom apartment for the duration of the build - it's nothing flash but it's comfortable and about 2 kms from the block.  It's the upstairs floor of a house owned by a german lady - Catherine.  She has the downstairs part and we have half the upstairs and she's renovating the other half to rent out as well - that one's 2 bedrooms.


deck outside from table
table from edge of deck

Here's our new wheels - that huge motorcycle (ok motor scooter) I was telling you about.  I haven't had a go at riding it yet - I've been very clumsy lately so I figured I would get rid of the clumsies before I tried a solo effort otherwise I may kill myself by accident.

 I've taken lots more photos so I'll post some more of those tomorrow.

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